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GEMS UIS Triumph in Inter School Modern Hindi Mahotsav

On the auspicious occasion of International Hindi Day, GEMS UIS participated with great enthusiasm in the Interschool Hindi Mahotsav at GEMS Modern Academy in Dubai, showcasing our dedication to promote linguistic and cultural diversity. This celebration comprised a variety of competitions aimed at nurturing and celebrating the essence of the Hindi language.

Nukkad Natak (Street Play): A Second-Place Triumph

One of the major highlights of our participation was the Nukkad Natak competition, where our talented performers Naisha Suvarna, Sejal Patil, Hareet Joshi, and Arman Kini from Grade 6 and Maryam Majaz Mulla, Jessica Robiston, Aizah Saleem, Deetha Kottodi, Rohit Shibu, and Ehan Tarique Nooral Hasan from Grade 7 brought to life the social issues and cultural narratives through the art of street play on the theme “Zarurat Kya Thi?”. The team's dedication and powerful portrayal of the subject matter secured a well-deserved second place.

Mono Act Competition: A Stellar Third-Place Achievement

In the Mono Act competition, our school's solo performer Shreesha Santosh Kate from Grade 8 mesmerized the audience with a captivating and soul-stirring performance on the topic “Jaan Hai To Jahan Hai!”. GEMS UIS secured the third position in this category, adding another feather to our cap.

This event enhanced the language skills of our students which boosts HPL skills of ACP (Linking-Big Picture Thinking, Creating- Evolutionary and revolutionary thinking) and VAA (Agile- Creative and enterprising, Empathetic- Collaborative, Confident, Concerned for society).

We extend our congratulations to the students and teachers for their outstanding achievement!

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